Saturday, August 22, 2009

Canmore Photos

Some photos from Canmore and Banff. The weather was great and it was the most relaxing little holiday we've taken in a long time. We acted like tourists and just hung out and took in the sites.
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More park photos

Marley is not nearly as agreeable with my photography these days. I seem to remember an extended ban on photos from Chloe around this age. This seems to be the best I can get of her unless she's in a swing. To be honest, this is what she looks like most of the time regardless if there's a camera present. She's a Wagner, what can I say?
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer Photos

I'm a slacker I know. Here's a few photos from the park a few weeks ago. I have thousands to get to but these caught my eye and I thought I would share. Chloe doing yoga on a baseball rubber boots.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


One month later and I've finally gotten around to editing our photos from Mexico. You can see them here if you like. There's tons, probably too many for anyone to actually look at but if you want to sift through you'll get a sense of what Mexico was like for a family vacation. Everyone is healthy upon return and the girls were great. Can't really ask for more.

Click on the little album on the right and it will take you to this link:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Walking Bird

Marley is now our little walking bird. She's been practicing for a week or so and now seems to have come close to mastering walking. She can pivot which is a sure sign that before too long I'll be chasing two kids instead of one. Some bad photography of her first real steps that weren't her REAL first steps but I was at a meeting when she decided to take her first steps so they don't really count.

Ikea Rules

Ikea does rule for many reasons...and now they sell hats which makes them rule even more. Niki found these when we are at Ikea and we both bought a stack of them. Marley has taken to the birthday hat and actually puts it on every morning and parades around in it. If I could wear a cake on my head I would too I guess...

Marley's New Room

As mentioned, Marley now has a new blue room. It only took me three weeks to pick the right blue. We all like it though, especially Marley. When I can't find her, she's in there sitting in her chair thinking she's cool. And clearly, she is.